Thursday, 25 August 2011

"im in a different time zone when it comes to speed" -Brendan Schaub

WOD: Thurs Aug 25 2011

Primary Complex
(5 rounds) Front Squat x 5 reps + high box depth jumps x 5 reps = /total time

Secondary Complex
(3 rounds) Push Press x 5 reps + lateral hops x 30 reps = /total time

20 Alternating leg kicks on heavy bag + 5 x dumbbell sprawl cleans
*on the miniute for 10 min

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Everlast-What its like

I've seen a rich man beg
I've seen a good man sin
I've seen a tough man cry
I've seen a loser win
And a sad man grin
I heard an honest man lie

Wod: Wednesday August 24 2011

(5 rounds) Deadlift x 5 + Landmine Twist x 6 explosive reps

Met-Con= 5 Leg Raises + 10 Burpees on the minute for 10 min

A road less traveled audio book

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

What should I be eating?

12 Commandments of JiuJitsu by Carlos Gracie Sr

1. Be so strong that nothing can disturb the peace of your mind.

2. Talk to all people about happiness, health, and prosperity.

3. Give to all your friends the feeling of being valued.

4. Look at things by the enlightened point of view and update your optimism on reality.

5. Think only about the best, work only for the best, and always expect the best.

6. Be as just and enthusiastic about others victories as you are with yours.

7. Forget about past mistakes and focus your energy on the victories of tomorrow.

8. Always make those around you happy and keep a smile to all people who talk to you.

9. Apply the largest amount of your time on self-improvement and no time in criticizing others.

10. Be big enough so you can feel unsatisfied, be noble enough so you can feel anger, be strong enough so you can feel fear, and be happy enough so you can feel frustrations.

11. Hold a good opinion about your self and communicate that to the world, but not through dissonant words but through good works.

12. Believe strongly that the world is in your side, as long as you stay loyal to the best of yourself.

WOD: Tuesday August 23 2011

(5 rounds) Back Squat x 5 + high box jumps x 5
(3 rounds) Pull Up 10,5,5 + Lateral Hops x 30

Met-Con= (5 reps) power-clean + (10 rep) push up

*AMRAP every min on the min for 10 min

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Hanging Leg Raise & Variations

Dumbell Deadlift

Dead-Hang Pull up Variations

Randy Coutures Barbell Complex

How not to Deadlift

How to Deadlift

Deadlift Setup

The Bear: Barbell Complex

Javorek Dumbell Complex 1

Movie of the week: Waking Life

Thursday, 11 August 2011

How to do a real burpee

Tough dumbell movement to try

300 Workout (Original)

How you should be eating 101

Crazy Takedown

Crossfit Games 2010 Recap

ESPN Top 10 boxing knockouts

Burpee + Pullup


WOD: Thurs Aug 11, 2011

5 x 135 lb Deadlift + 10 x Burpees (clap hands above head) for 20 rounds

(20 min 46 sec) -Alex

The Holographic Universe

How to Squat Part 1

Why Deadlift?

BJJ: The game of human chess

Jon Jones Highlight

GSP showing explosive power with a superman-punch

Great Muay Thai Match

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Bootcamp Theory- are the exercises strategic or just random?

Quite honestly I am new to running bootcamp sessions, I am new to training people all together, I have spent the majority of my time learning and experimenting on myself and now I finally get to utilize that knowledge to help others. I want to lay out the general theory I use when creating the bootcamp workouts.

-I cluster all the workouts into four week cycles and program exercises to develop the athlete in three areas (1) Power/Explosiveness (2) Endurance (3) Mobility/ Flexibility with the sport-specific goal of performing better in the boxing ring.


These are exercises that force the body to use 100% effort in one big explosive movement, an example of this would be a Squat Jump or a Power Clean. The goal is to increase the athletes explosiveness so that when they see an opening on their opponent, they can throw all their power into the shot/combination, potentially ending the fight.


Endurance exercises are designed to be light enough that you can maintain a steady pace for the entire round, an endurance round will usually start off with a relatively tough movement like a push-up which will inevitably cause fatigue at which point they switch to a modified version of the same movement and continue for the remaining time. This allows the athlete to develop a tolerance to the lactic acid buildup that will take place in the ring.


Power and endurance are great but if you are in-flexible or worse, injured you cannot perform anywhere near your potential. By incorporating mobility drills into the workouts, it allows the athlete to go through the movement patterns that will be done later at a higher intensity. This is usually done at the beginning of class as a warmup however from time to time I like to program a whole workout dedicated to movement drills and flexibility. After class you are encouraged to stick around as we go through static stretching for the whole body.

Thank you for your time,